Promises in Paradise Read online

Page 10

  He was staring off into the distance, idly watching the approach of the ferry. He realized Diane was staring at him and he shifted his gaze. She slowly, silently, smiled at him. He began to get aroused.

  Hale didn’t want his private parts to do his thinking for him.

  He remembered how stunning she looked in her formal attire the night of the gala in Baltimore. She’d fulfilled the promise she’d shown as a seventeen-year-old and then some. She was tall and slender, graceful in a totally unselfconscious way. What had once been budding breasts, small but firm, had reached their maturity and were fuller. She moved her body, sitting and standing, like a woman who’d had experience with the opposite sex and was confident of her attraction. He looked away briefly, drawing in a deep breath. Hale wondered what part he’d played in that.

  She stood close to him. Casually, as if she had no choice because of all the people. Occasionally, she brushed against him. But somehow he knew that every move, every gesture, was calculated and with a purpose.

  A little annoyed by Diane’s tactic, Hale nonetheless realized it was working.

  The ferry came in and followed the usual routine of disgorging its passengers and freight. He’d never met Simon, Diane’s other half-brother. But the instant he came off the gangplank Hale knew who he was. He’d learned that Diane’s mother had married a white man, and their son was fair skinned, tall and athletic. He had the kind of good looks that caused second glances and long stares. Hale could see that Simon knew his own appeal, but didn’t need to play on it. In that, he was much like his older sister.

  He strolled down the pier toward them with confidence and ease. He had an expensive-looking heavy leather duffel bag, a leather jacket stuck through the handles he held and a computer case hanging from his shoulder. He was dressed in casual black chinos and a beige cashmere sweater with the sleeves pushed up to his elbows. Dark glasses hid his gaze, which served to emphasis his square jaw and wide full mouth that was breaking into a slow broad smile…with perfect teeth.

  “There he is,” Diane announced, unnecessarily, and started toward him.

  Hale stayed back to witness the greeting between brother and sister. It was amusing to witness, as well, the way people around them stood back and deferred, not sure who he was but acting as if a celebrity that they couldn’t quite place had just arrived in their midst.

  Diane and Simon embraced, and it was clear that the love between them was fast and genuine. Again Hale was reminded of his lack of family and what he did not have. The Maxwells’ generous love aside, he was still sorry for the loss of his parents and his brother.

  Introductions were made for his sake. He and Simon, to his surprise, exchanged a fist pound. He waited until they were in the Jeep before announcing that he wasn’t returning to the house with them. Hale deliberately avoided Diane’s puzzled and, if he was correct, displeased gaze. That didn’t make him change his mind. More than ever he felt the need to put a little distance between himself and the extended Maxwell clan.

  He asked to be dropped off on a service road that would allow him to walk the distance back to the bay where the Paradise Zodiac was moored.

  “You did good today,” Hale whispered quickly to Diane as he climbed out of the Jeep and let Simon take his seat.

  “Keep an eye on her,” he said, only half joking, to Simon. “She only graduated to standard in the last few hours.”

  Her look of utter disappointment got to him. He winked at her as she pulled away.

  Diane returned to the living room from the kitchen, where she’d unloaded the dishwasher and put everything away from dinner. It had given her some time alone to think about what was happening to her feelings about Hale.

  In the living room she walked into a high-energy, laughter-filled conversation with anecdotes from Simon, which had made him the center of attention all evening. She wasn’t surprised. She’d known, even as a little girl, when her mother and stepfather had him, that it was impossible to dislike, resent or feel any jealousy toward her younger brother. He had always been the most even-tempered person she’d ever known. Even as he grew into full awareness of his attraction and his effect on people…particularly females…she’d never known Simon to use that to his advantage. He never needed to.

  This was the first time, ever, that he was meeting her father and Eva, the kids and Hale. And he’d become very much at home among them all in no time flat.

  Her anxiety over how Simon would behave, and how he would be received, turned out to be for nothing. She could relax once she’d taken him to check into his guesthouse for the three days he was going to be on the island and had driven him up to the house in Chocolate Hole for dinner and the evening with everyone.

  She wondered why Hale had chosen not to spend the evening with them. With her. She missed him.

  Diane knew when a man was attracted to her. The way they’d kissed, with complete abandon and hunger. The way she’d instantly begun to get moist and pool between her legs, wanting to press against him to increase the feelings or release the already built-up tension.

  She moved from one chair to another. Crossed her legs, squeezed her thighs.


  She uncrossed them. She looked at the time. After nine.

  The novelty of a new person in the house wore off and the kids went down to the converted garage where there was a flat-screen TV. The sounds of screeching car brakes, explosions and gunfire wafted up from below.

  Finally, Simon stretched and declared he should be getting back to his hotel. He thanked Adam and Eva for inviting him to join them on St. John.

  “I can drive you back,” Adam volunteered at once.

  “No, I’ll take him,” Diane said smoothly. “I need to pick up a few things at the convenience store.”

  Not giving her father a chance to object, she went into her room to get her things, pausing to get a heavier sweater and stuffing it into her tote. She stood waiting by the rented Jeep as Simon bid good-night to everyone.

  “We’re not going to wait up for you,” Adam said, waving from the veranda.

  Now she had no trouble driving the standard vehicle, but she went slowly because it was dark. There was still a lot of life around Mongoose Junction and Cruz Bay as Diane drove through the town to the small guesthouse overlooking Frank Bay. Diane promised that she’d pick him up the next day for breakfast and a tour of the island. They said good-night and he walked to his condo unit.

  Diane made her stop at the late-night convenience store and left town again. She drove to the marina in the bay where the Paradise was anchored, pulling off the road under a tree.

  She stripped down to her swimsuit and put a few items into a plastic bag. She forced as much of the air out as she could before closing it and then used an inexpensive belt to secure it to her waist. With a sure memory of the beach and the drop-off about ten feet out into the water, she began to breaststroke out to the sloop.

  She thought nothing of the steps being down and climbed aboard, stepping cautiously on the deck. It was quiet, although there were lights on below. There was a pair of large male sandals near the steps leading below. But no sign of Hale.

  Diane realized that she was breathing hard. Not in exertion from the swim but in anticipation. She released the belt around her waist and it dropped to the deck with the plastic bag. She swept her wet hair back from her face, looking quickly around.


  There was no response.

  She went a few steps down into the hole and called again, although it was obvious he wasn’t below either. Puzzled, Diane began walking toward the bow of the sloop to see if perhaps he was sleeping under the stars on several of the air cushions. She had just reached the position of the headsail when she heard the sounds behind her. Someone was climbing up the aft stairs from the water onto the ship.

  A head appeared dripping water, and then a broad bare torso, glistening wet, as strong arms hoisted Hale up. And then the rest of him appeared.

stepped onto the deck frowning, his eyes following the wet footprints she’d left. Diane stared, riveted in place, her breath catching in her throat as their gazes met.

  He was stark naked, water dripping from every part of him.

  Chapter 7

  She didn’t try not to let her gaze drop to Hale’s exposed attributes, the mere sight of which began a chain reaction of sensations within her.

  Like him, she was also wet from her swim. Although the tepid breeze cooled her skin, Diane felt a flush of heat beneath, a tingling on her nerve ends.

  “Was that your idea of a cold shower?” she asked, her voice quiet and suggestive.

  His shock at seeing her turned into a scowl and he started a slow walk toward her. He made no attempt to cover himself.

  Her mouth felt suddenly dry.

  “How did you get here?”

  Her chin went up, challenging his annoyance.

  “I drove. Then I swam.”

  “You know better than to do that alone. Adam…”

  “Are you going to tell on me?” she boldly teased.

  Hale stopped two feet from her, suddenly appearing so much taller than she could recall. So indomitable. Unbelievably sexy.

  “What are you doing here?”

  His tone had changed. Questioning and skeptical.

  She swallowed and took a chance.

  “Don’t you know? I’m not deaf, dumb or blind, Hale. My sensory perceptions are pretty sharp. I bet yours are, too. We’ve been honing in on each other.”

  He narrowed his gaze, not giving an inch.


  If anything Diane knew she’d made the right decision in taking matters into her own hands. She knew that if she waited on Hale, it would be a snowy day in hell before he made the first move. She understood why, but she didn’t want to wait that long. Something had to be done while she felt so hot. So that she could sleep at night.

  “So…I think we should do something about it. Don’t you?”

  She took a step closer to him, letting her gaze drift across his torso, at his firm pecs and hard male nipples and the tight sprinkle of dark hair. She boldly let her attention drop once more to find that he was no longer limp or curved to the ground, but was on a slow and steady rise. Getting hard. The base was embedded in a dark forest of curly hair with a thin trail growing toward his navel. She clinched her pelvic muscles, trying to control the fluttering down there. When the time came she wanted those hot contractions she’d been feeling to be around something. Him.

  “I’m not eighteen anymore, Diane. I don’t play games. And I don’t have anything to prove.”

  Diane brought her gaze, bright and expectant, up to his, and had the satisfaction of seeing that his eyes were also filled with desire. Or lust. He couldn’t disguise it.

  “I came because I knew I had to. Maybe I’m taking a risk, Hale. But do you really want me to leave? While you’re like…that?”

  The scowl turned to a thoughtful frown.

  “I don’t know yet if I can trust you.”

  “Give me a chance to change your mind.”

  She reached behind her back and pulled the tie of her bikini top and the one around her neck. Never taking her gaze from his, Diane took the piece and dropped it on the deck. Hale’s eyes clouded over.

  “You told me last night I don’t really need it.”

  “That was last…” That’s as far as he managed.

  Diane felt the tip of his penis extend and brush against her groin.

  “I’ve been having this dream. About that time we were together,” she said, her voice a breathy whisper. “About…what you did to me that night.”

  “That’s what you wanted. I scared you.”

  “I hated you for it. Because…I…liked it. You made me feel ashamed that I liked it.”

  His jaw tightened and clenched. “Now you tell me?”

  “I want you to do it again.”

  Diane stepped even closer until her breasts pressed gently against him. Hale tentatively slid his arms around her, pulling her closer still until they touched chest to knees, his thickening penis almost tucked between her thighs. His hands cupped around her buttocks. With a deep inhalation as his eyes drifted close, he ground her hips against him.

  Diane’s mouth opened and she uttered a weak moan. She put her arms around his neck, lifting her lips blindly to find his kiss.

  It was just what she needed then, hot and deep and all consuming. Their lips worked together with a deliberate slowness that left her dizzy and disoriented. Their hips together, the full pleasure of joining thwarted by her bikini briefs. Together their breathing melded and hissed like a whisper in their ears with a growing urgency. The prelude was rich with promise and they took their time to enjoy each movement and touch. The intensity was building up until they both felt it in the rush of blood through their veins, the throbbing in their groins that edged toward release.

  Suddenly Diane pulled her mouth free, momentarily teasing him with her lips, the tip of her tongue. Her breasts points were so tender and sensitive they ached.

  “Do it again,” she pleaded.

  With obvious difficulty and reluctance, Hale took several unsteady steps back, releasing her. As if suddenly remembering that they stood on the open deck of a sailboat that was anchored within shouting distance of other crafts, he glanced quickly around and then back to her, his eyes now filled with purpose.

  “Go up front.”

  As she did so, she could hear his movements behind her. It went nighttime dark when he turned out the lights below deck. She waited, seated on the raised forecastle of the deck. He returned slowly, carrying something. It turned out to be two small cushions and a lightweight quilt that, together, they spread over the surface. Once done, Diane stretched out on her back, staring at the magnificent beauty of the night, but for the moment unable to concentrate or appreciate the sight. She waited.

  He loomed over her, staring down. She seductively threw her arms back over her head and arched her back. Her breasts jutted out. Offering herself up to him. And wanting him to take her.

  “Hale,” she said simply in invitation.

  He bent over her, crouched between her raised knees to cup her breasts, knead them, kiss and lick the tips, while she undulated and quietly panted. He stayed with it until her nipples were hard extended buttons. Hale let go of her breasts with a tender kiss on each one. He slid his hands down her torso to her stomach, causing the muscles to contract. His lips and kisses followed in their wake. His fingers caught under the top of her briefs and peeled them down her legs, dropping them to the deck.

  Suddenly, he disappeared, kneeling between her legs, out of sight.

  She felt him began to nuzzle through the soft hair between her legs. Diane held her breath. She stiffened her body, drew in her stomach…waiting. Then, she felt the warmth of his breath, his lips and tongue.

  She let her body relax, her breath out with a long moan, and she let the most exquisite sensations assail her that she’d ever known. He was totally and freely willing to go there. Her mind and body centered and focused as she put her entire being into what Hale was doing to her with the tip of his tongue, the sucking of his mouth. She could barely breathe because of the delicious feelings he was creating. She squeezed her eyes closed, her breathing now labored as the delicate stroking of his tongue brought her to the edge of oblivion. She reached out to grip his shoulders, her fingers digging into the firm cool flesh. She held on as he encouraged her, stimulated her, pushed her irrevocably over the precipice.

  She rode the cresting wave of pleasure, not caring if it might kill her. She moaned deeply with each drawn-out breath as she came.

  Afterward, all she could do was lie there, exposed and satiated and vulnerable and as if every bone in her body had gone soft.

  She had been waiting for this feeling since she was seventeen. She’d wanted Hale alone to give it to her.

  Diane could do nothing, for the moment, to help Hale. To reach out to him a
nd give at least as good as she’d gotten. She couldn’t move.

  She felt his body next to hers. He stretched on his side and eased himself close, turning her into his arms. He flipped a corner of the quilt to partially cover their bare bodies against the Caribbean air. Diane curled against him, feeling a contentment that took her by surprise.

  He was so quiet that she, on the verge of dozing off, wondered if he had. She snuggled closer. He smoothed his large hand slowly up and down her back, erotically teasing his fingertips along a thigh and over her butt.

  “Is that what you wanted?” he asked very quietly, his voice gravely and deep.


  “Is that all?”

  Is that all?

  It was an unexpected question and she didn’t know the answer. For now she was happy to be held by him, with care and tenderness and…

  “No,” Diane admitted.

  He sighed deeply. “I don’t understand Di. Why now?”


  When they were teenagers he used to call her Princess Di because, he’d said at the time, she acted like she was so special everyone should do exactly what she wanted. But Hale had been the only one who never would.

  “I misjudged you. I seem to do that a lot with people.”

  “Your ex?”

  She hid her face against his chest. Nodded silently.

  “I finally figured out why you did it to me that way the first time. You thought I was a virgin. You were trying to protect me.”

  “Yeah. I was.”

  “And I thought…”

  “You thought it was some low-class act that nice girls like you didn’t do. Back then, none of your sorry ass boyfriends would think to try and make it good for you.”

  Hale had. Then and now.

  She had to smile to herself at that. She’d lost her virginity just the semester before, while on a school exchange program in Munich, Germany. The boy had been from Italy, a fellow classmate. Gorgeous and bold, he had been relentless, charming and funny in his pursuit of her. And he’d been experienced. But still, the first time was difficult. It certainly got better. But she’d not been transported, or felt any of the touted euphoria seen in movies and read in books.